Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Went orchard with Ivan.. had fish and co. They changed their menus, the usual french fries and vegetables are gone!!! They replaced them with icky garden salad for a cheaper price.

And I am still getting used to having no student ez link. $10 can be used up in 2 days! Damn!!!

Change change change. Change is constant. Need to get used to it.

Sop's going to ns soon, im going to freakin miss him! Going to orchard reminds me of nothing else but my best buddies.. and fish and co was playing those old RnB hits that are so nostalgic.. "Rupee- If i cant have you", " Beep- Pussycat dolls feat Will.I.Am".. brings me back to those days when me and sop sat at the back of bus 101 with our bread and bubble tea and me, forever raiding his mp3 for fresh sounds..





Sop: Dont forget bout us even when you become a real man!!! I hate to admit it but i think i'll get really jealous when you get yourself a girlfriend. You AASSSSSHOOOLLE!


Relationship comes and goes but friendships are forever!!! (yea i know i keep repeating myself)

And me and bboy baby watched the forbidden kingdom. It was quite nice, not VERY but quite. I'll give it a 6.5 outta 10. Its like the Brothers Grimm, fragments of different movies adds up together.. kinda like the cheenah version of Scary Movie. Go watch it, it makes Chinese proud yall!




I think we really look good together. There's so many stuff that's goin thru my head now but i just cant write it down.

Well I am going for the SIA interview this sun, so nervous, machiam like going for the America's next top model casting call. Wish me luck guys. Till then, cya!!!

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