Monday, July 31, 2006

Why do tears always have to fall at nite?
Why do i always have to cry on my 165 bus trip home?

God, is this true love?
If it is, why do love have to hurt?
It's not his fault, its never his fault.
I wuldnt want him to blame himself.
Maybe there's something wrong with my mind.
Or my heart?

im so scared to lose him.
i have so much so much things to tell him.
Yet nothin came out of my mouth when we were in a conversation.

I read the new paper today. Somewhere in the world, somebody lost his family in a bomb attack.
The picture shows 2 of his kids. His dead kids. They were white all over. Lifeless.
It scares me. It realli scares me.
Life is so fragile.
Treasure somebody before its too late.
U'll never know when will be the last time you bid them goodbye.
And i never wanna bid him goodbye.
But how?
The flesh is willing but the mind is weak.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The boy and the rock

One day God asked a small boy to push a rock.
So he obeyed.
He pushed n pushed n pushed.
Days passed.
Still the rock stays in its original position.
He perservered, and continued to push the rock.
Months passed.
Years passed.
Finally during the 6th year he could not take it anymore.
"God!"He cried. "Why are u asking me to do this? What is Your purpose? The rock didnt even move an inch!!"
Then God spoke," So are u gonna quit? Fine. Look at ur reflection now.
The boy saw his reflection on the sea water.
He is not longer the same.
Over the years he has grown into a young man, a strong young man that is, with muscles on his body n a confident expression on his face.
He dont only grow strongly physically, but learnt patience and is able to endured more challenges that happened in his life.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Like New Zealand in Spore.

I suddenly felt like a milkmaid squeezin the cow's TITS (No pun intended ya?).

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My First Post =)

yeah! This new blog is finally done.. Let me start by putting my cell grp pic.. My 2nd family =)