Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Astrology- Believe it or not.

On the first relationship: She may find him worthy of more than a second glance, but he may be too wishy-washy for her long term happiness. You're happiest when you're challenged, and Libra guy may not have what it takes to keep you interested between lunch and study hall!

On the second relationship: This match is bound to end sooner rather than later. You two are just too different in personality and what you want from a relationship to make this last.

He is looking for a Harlequin-style romance, full of adventure, fantasy and obstacles to overcome. But you want a love that is real and will last when the early dramatics have faded away, and he's not really into that.

You value honesty and the little things you do for each other; he only recognizes the big gestures. He also tends to be into showy public displays that don't really mean anything true when the audience is gone.

Plus, on top of all this, you are both very aggressive, strong-willed personalities who will clash when you have to make decisions, like where to go on a date, or why he should stop being so obnoxious. You'll have too many fights to build a real affection for each other. Not a good match for either of you.

On the other hand, Cancer makes Scorpio feel secure. This relationship has great intimacy, intensity, and depth.

Cancer is loyal which is good for Scorpio’s jealous streak, Cancer’s possessiveness will make Scorpio feel secure.

Both are intuitive and sense what will please each other. Together they will feel safe and loved.

Long lasting relationship. Both are jealous but the heat in the bedroom will cool the disputes.

Cancer is clinging and insecure and Scorpio offers the strength and protectiveness Cancer is looking for. In turn Cancer is loving generous, devoted---all that Scorpio wants. Perfect match.

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