Sunday, October 22, 2006

i stopped watching love movies 
and dramas since donkey years ago.
Because i dun wanna end up love sick 
or despo for guys or smth like tt. 

but these days i felt like i was getting heartless,
so decided to rent a love story from video ezy.

And wow, im so freakin glad tt i borrowed it.
So i watched "The notebook" wit my baby.
Quite an old show. But nevertheless we love it.
Makes us cherish each other more.

I meant, how long will u be living?
If u can die of old age, tt's great.
But how long is a lifetime?

i want forever. Wit my furby fishball caveman alien. Heh.

Touched my heart.
Felt it.

Imma little less heartless today. =)

Wun u cheer for me?!?

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