Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why Chapter 2 is my favourite Hair salon:

1) I have my stylist on speed dial.
2) They remember my birthday.
3) They've got the rebate card (For the Auntie in me)
4) They always suggest new ideas to change how i look, which is great.
5) Eh.. i dunno let me think first.

Jeft (my hairstylist) gets pissed off whenever my fringe grows. And i made it worse by cutting it myself. But somehow i still want to have a side parting. I dont know. Personally i think long side partings are classy.

But somehow or rather it WAS not on me:


So i went back for trimming and treatment last saturday. Jeft cut bangs for me (AGAIN!) but i dunoo. The expert knows best, no?

After that i kinda dreaded those bangs. Gavin says i looked like sailormoon (damnit) and i think it makes my chubby face extra chubby.



Eh but then i tied my hair today and this hairstyle reminds me of Fergie in my humps.

So yea, now im starting to embrace it. Heh heh.

Work is damn stressed these days. A few times i felt like breaking down. And the situation at home aint getting any better. And the weather made me sick too. Somehow i felt like this is (still) one of the worse periods of my life (yet). But i have to look at it on the bright side.

Oh well. Talk about something happy. Tmr's Yasmine's bdae. Haha HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE!

This video is dedicated to yoooou.

Hope you can look forward to a happier future, and you really should. Because you deserve it! =)

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