Tuesday, March 03, 2009

My eyes are sore and tired. Head feels a little heavy.

Working in the bank doesnt really sound that glamourous. Or classy. Or whatever you call it.

I find it nerve-wrecking.

I remembered i blogged about how successful i want to be, how i want to work so hard for this job the day i got selected for it.

But ive realised, after all, i still perceived it as a job, not a career.

What ive always been wanting to do seems so far away, and sometimes i am so afraid to take the first step. Because i know there is still a long long way till i reach my destination, and i feel like resting a little while more. But i dont want to be lagged behind.

Times are really hard. Everybody is holding on to their rice bowls tightly.

And another thing about the job is that all the hypocrites around me just effin piss me off. Sometimes, everybody seems to be putting on a facade and it makes me feel like just hiding in my shell. Just me and my own world. I hate socialising for the sake of it. I despise hypocrites.

I know that we are all bound to meet some fucked-up people everywhere we go. But, sometimes it can really drive me crazy, and there's so much more workload now.. and not to mention dealing with demanding customers which is now a norm.

However, there is always a rainbow after a rain, the light at the end of the tunnel..

Him, whom is everything that i want and most importantly, knows how to treasure me. He puts me above everything else in his life. For me, he is willing to sacrifice.

I lay my head on his shoulders tells him how bad i feel.

He said, " Dont worry, everything will be fine."

And so it will be.

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